CAM, named for the camshaft and rotating cam’s is a massage gun designed and rendered as a research and development project in industrial design. The massage gun is designed to be transparent and show its mechanical functionality aesthetically.

This project was intended to improve my modeling and rendering skills for products and create some product rendering materials for my portfolio. It’s not meant to be entirely mechanically or functionally accurate, I took some liberties with the mechanism to make it more aesthetically appealing.
While the design of the motors is for the most part accurate, the actual actuation of the motor is not accurate, as it would not move entirely linearly but in a more circular motion along another shaft. However to make this look more minimal and beautiful I decided to overlook it, and use the magic of CGI for this product to be functional.
This project was made in about three days from start to finish. With most of that time being spent modeling intricate details.
Date: October 2023
Timeline: 1 Week
Project Description
CAM was intended as an R&D project in complex product modeling and industrial design. It’s a massage gun with a transparent mid section to show its inner mechanical workings.
R&D Goal
The goal of the research and development was to improve my skills as a 3D artist and especially within 3D modeling where I felt I could use more practice.
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