This project reimagines how we perceive a computing system to be online. Quantum computers from the outside have no indictation of operation. I created the moving wall to signify calculation when the machine is operating.

This project presented a wonderful opportunity to work with geometry nodes, imagining the wall as a series of linear actuators, the geonodes let me easily create an array with the same overall effect.

Why work with Quantum computers? At the time I was feeling highly inspired by the research and development of Qcomputers and I wanted to add a tiny little bit to the zeitgeist with these designs, they’re largely iterative, but add a small minute feature to the in person experience of seeing a quantum computer. I have no actual business designing or engineering quantum computers, I can use my skillset in CGI and design to imagine something new.

Valkyrie Q

Date: 2022

Timeline: 1 Week

Project Description

Valkyrie Q is a R&D project in geometry nodes and quantum computer industrial design. This project helped to expand my geonodes skills, my skills with blender and add to the design zeitgeist of quantum computing.

R&D Goal

The goal of the research and development was to improve my skills as a 3D artist and especially within 3D modeling where I felt I could use more practice.

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