is an in house product design collaboration between Leo Felix and Alex Gillis. We imagined Cashew, a social rewards platform to facilitate connection among remote teams.

Friendly and fun by design. Cashew is an exploration in freeform 3D illustration.

Inspiration Peter Tarka

Leo’s original work

Playful and inclusive branding.

We went with a colorful and gender neutral palette. We wanted it to feel young and playful, almost like slack but tuned up for maximum fun. Cashew is meant to be a place purely for fun and connection and we wanted to evoke that with color.

Our logo iconography took heavy inspiration from Slack, the cashew logo captures its name, as its made of beans, it captures the vibe, fun with color, and the corporate symmetrical logo style of the early 2020’s.

The Story

Cashew was inspired by an internal project at Latecheckout.

At Latecheckout we had an internal tokenized system of LC rewards. Latecheckout tokens could buy you actual rewards within the company, like a lunch or a flight to a tropical destination. You earned these tokens by participating in social events like hackathons or coffee chats. I loved this idea, and it did actually incentivize me to go the extra mile and engage directly with team members I wouldn’t normally see.

We decided to partner up for Cashew. My good friend and previous business partner Alex Gillis has developed and worked with workplace rewards systems throughout his career, and we’ve been trying the nail down the best iteration of what that system could be.

We ultimately settled on Cashew, which is effectively a social rewards platform which rewards employees for socializing and participating in building social connections within the company. Effectively incentivizing team building with tangible rewards. I.E CashewCash.

We added additional functionality to this by making it into a social media platform with rolling weekly, monthly, and quarterly competitions. We added monitoring features to help employers see who are the employees making the biggest impact on Cashew, and we added slots for sponsored brand deals wherein employees could win sponsored prizes from companies they may have an affinity towards.

We pitched this idea to several VC’s but ultimately failed to secure funding as the post pandemic back to office movement had already begun in full force.


Date: 2023

Client: IdeatorX * AG inc

Timeline: 6 Months

Project Description

Cashew is an internal project which was pitched to several VC firms. Cashew is a social rewards platform built for hybrid remote teams to facilitate connections with coworkers by participating in friendly competitions for tangible rewards.

My Role

My role for the project was 3D Artist, deck designer, product designer, and co-founder of Cashew.


Leo Felix

Alex Gillis

Keep Exploring

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